Creative 3D Blaster Savage 4 CT6850

Technical details
Name: 3D Blaster Savage 4
Company: Creative Technology Ltd
Chipset: S3 Savage 4 Pro at 110 MHz
Bus: PCI
RAM: 32 MB SDRAM 8ns 64 bit at 125 MHz
DAC: integrated 250 MHz 8/15/16/24/32 bit
Connectors: VGA, VESA
PCI-ID: VENDOR 5333 DEVICE 8A22 SubSys 1102 SubVen 101E Rev 2
Manufactured: 1999

The performance of the Savage 4 does not match up with cards that used other chipsets such as Voodoo3 at this time. However it supports S3TC texture compression which is already supported by Unreals S3TC pack and good DVD playback acceleration. The clocks of the card can be adjusted with core 110-125 MHz and Mem 110-143 MHz.

Creative 3D Blaster PCI Drivers
S3 Savage4 Drivers
Specification table at Wikipedia