miro miroCRYSTAL 10SD VLB

Technical details
Name: miroCRYSTAL 10SD VLB
Company: miro Computer Products AG
Chipset: S3 805 86C805-P
Bus: Vesa Local Bus
RAM: 2 MB DRAM 70ns
DAC: S3 GENDAC 86C708-L (ICS5300 clone) 110 MHz
Connectors: VGA, VESA
FCC-ID: I2I2159 (Leadtek Research Inc.)
Manufactured: 1993

The 805 does not support memory interleave and has no acceleration for 32 bit. In benchmarks it could not make full use of the 32 bit VLB interface.

S3 Drivers
miro CRYSTAL 10SD drivers
S3 VBE20 3.18 driver and speed tool
DAC datasheet

Scores for Vidspeed with 42 MHz VLB. Numbers in brackets are from a S3 Vision968 VLB card tested in the same system

VIDSPEED at 320x200x256
bit width write in kB/s read in kB/s
8 3719 (3719) 1364 (1308)
16 7440 (7440) 2728 (2616)
32 8614 (14881) 3614 (3721)
VIDSPEED at 640x480x256 VESA banked
bit width write in kB/s read in kB/s
8 2044 (3719) 1406 (1406)
16 4087 (7438) 2812 (2068)
32 8174 (14882) 5624 (2716)