386A mainboard

Technical details
Name: 386A mainboard
Company: unknown
CPU, FPU: Intel 80386DX-25 with 25 MHz, IIT 3C87-33
Chipset: Chips and Technologies P82C206, P82C304, P82C306, P82C301, P82C302, P82C303, P82C302
Memory: 2 banks a 4 SIMM sockets
Bus: 5x ISA 16 bit, 3x ISA 8 bit
Connectors: AT power, Keyboard, front-module pins, 32-bit external memory card slot
Form factor: Baby-AT
Manufactured: 1991

This 386 mainboard supports 20 MHz and 25 MHz CPU speeds. It has no cache and supports max. 1 MB per SIMM. The BIOS is an early CMOS/XCMOS BIOS from AMI.

Local copy of documentation from Total Hardware 99