Slot-A mainboard MSI MS-6191 Ver.:1

Technical details
Name: MS-6191
Company: Micro-Star International
Chipset: AMD Irongate, AMD750, AMD756 (Viper), Winbond WB3977ATF-AW, Creative ES1373
CPU socket: Slot-A
Memory: 2x DIMM, SDRAM, max. 512 MB
Bus: 1x AGP 2x, 3x PCI
Connectors: ATX power, PS/2 Keyboard, PS/2 mouse, front-module pins, 2x EIDE on PCI, floppy, 2x serial, parallel, 2x USB 1.1, IrDA, Audio, Game/MIDI, SPDIF
Form factor: Micro ATX
Manufactured: 1999

Supported CPUs are AMD Athlons. The FSB is fixed 100 MHz DDR and the PCI bus follows PCI 2.2. The EIDE ports support UDMA/66. The BIOS is from Award and a cell battery is used to buffer the CMOS.

It is known that the AMD750 based mainboards have sometimes stability problems with graphics cards running at AGP 2x. Since this depends on the interplay between the card and the board this has to be tested individually.

Mainboard Manual, BIOS, Sound Driver